Coalition for Social Change Careers
Box 7777
University of Southern Nevada
Las Vegas, NV 3345C

March 1, 1998

Ms. Joan Smith, Director
Nevadans for Safe Energy
13 West Cactus Street, Suite 600
Las Vegas, NV 33456

Dear Ms. Smith:

Are you looking for a convenient and inexpensive way to meet new enthusiastic volunteers, interns and potential employees? Are you seeking to increase your organization's visibility with young adults? We would like to invite your organization to join consumer advocate Ralph Nader and students from 10 colleges and universities in attending the Alternative Careers Fair sponsored by the Coalition for Alternative Careers on Wednesday, March 20, 1991 from 12:00 to 5:00 pm at the University of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas, NV.

Students on our sponsoring campuses have demonstrated an increasing interest in the opportunities offered by nonprofit organizations. The purpose of this event is to give nonprofit organizations the opportunity to meet with interested students, freshmen through seniors, and share materials, information and expertise. You will meet a variety of students who are committed to many causes and offer strong interests and talents.

The event will begin with a keynote speech by Ralph Nader. Following Mr. Nader's talk, students will attend the Career Fair where your organization will have a table to display handouts, articles, posters and other materials for students. We encourage you to bring at least 300 copies of any handout materials-we expect attendance of over 1,000. In addition to students, community members have been invited to the fair, and we anticipate that faculty and administrative members from each sponsoring college and university will be present to discuss your organization and ways to promote your cause on our individual campuses.

What will it cost you? Nothing. We know how tight budgets can be for public interest organizations, and the sponsoring schools and organizations are so committed to encouraging support of social change work that we are absorbing all costs of the Career Fair. Your only cost would be your travel expenses to Las Vegas.

We have enclosed a registration form for you to complete and return to us by March 1, 1998.

Thank you for helping us in our effort to bring your organization to our students. Please contact me at (702) 521-9008 if you have any questions about the fair. We look forward to your participation.


Ray Whitmore
Coordinator, Alternative Careers Fair